Home > Our cyber security case studies

Our cyber security case studies

We have listed below a selection of case studies illustrating the work we have delivered across a range of clients working in various industries.

Select a case study below to find out more information

TUI Group

TUI Group | | People:

Prism Infosec has been engaged for a number of  years by TUI Group to deliver regular mobile application testing of the organisation’s mobile applications used across Europe. Furthermore, we have been engaged to deliver reviews of enterprise class CRM applications used by the organisation including

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Merralls Consulting

Merralls Consulting | |

Prism Infosec conducted a Cyber Essentials assessment and certification on the behalf of Merralls Consulting at short notice to assist them with meeting an urgent tender requirement. Merralls Consulting tweeted this following the delivery of our certification: –

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OPIA Ltd | | People:

Prism Infosec has provided security and penetration testing services for OPIA overseen throughout by the Head of Informational Technology, who kindly supplied the following reference statement in respect of our Prism Infosec services:

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Stoke Park Hotel – IHG

Stoke Park Hotel - IHG | | People:

Prism Infosec has provided security penetration testing and pre-audit reviews of internal infrastructure (including Oracle-based reservation systems and databases) for Stoke Park/IHG across the past two years overseen throughout by the IT Manager for Stoke Park/IHG, who kindly supplied the following reference statement in respect of the Prism Infosec services:

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Gloucestershire County Council

Gloucestershire County Council | | People:

Prism Infosec was tasked with providing a comprehensive Security Requirements Questionnaire refresh which took into account the latest guidance on the use of Government Security Classification Scheme, the use of OFFICIAL classifications as well as the forthcoming European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation.

GCC Business Analyst has been happy to provide the following:


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Central Bedfordshire Council

Central Bedfordshire Council - UK Government | | People:


Prism Infosec has provided pre-audit reviews and full Public Service Network IT Health Checks and penetration tests to Central Bedfordshire Council.


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London Borough of Hillingdon

London Borough of Hillingdon - UK Government | | People:

Prism Infosec has provided full PSN IT Health Check to Hillingdon Borough Council. The reviews covered all of the requirements of the Cabinet Office / PSNA IT Health Check, including Internet-based infrastructure and ……..

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Prism Infosec works with a global client base to provide high quality solutions and pragmatic recommendations to effectively mitigate organisations’ cyber risk.

Cyber Security Assessments and Penetration Testing

Cyber Security Assessments and Penetration Testing

Test your information security controls and ascertain weaknesses and vulnerabilities

GRC & Security Consulting

GRC & Security Consulting

Engage a Prism Infosec security consultant to help manage your cyber security risks.

Cloud Security

Cloud Security

Manage the risks associated with procuring, migrating or delivering cloud services.

Managed Security Services

Managed Security Services

Managed security services providing comprehensive, outsourced monitoring and management of your organisation's security infrastructure.

Incident Management and Response Services (CSIR)

Incident Management and Response Services (CSIR)

Get the support you need when the worst happens and ensure your business is well prepared to deal with cyber incidents ahead of time.

Red Teaming & Simulated Attack

Red Teaming & Simulated Attack

Test and assess your organisation's susceptibility to real-world attacks by sophisticated threat actors

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